





日前,10位佳麗為總決賽做總綵排,作為12月12日盛典的預演,不枉3個月的辛苦排練,眾人的表現脫胎換骨,心情有點激動,因為成功在望。今年的總決賽除了晚裝、泳衣、旗袍等基本環節外,有4大亮點 : 精心設計的群舞,由於今年佳麗的舞蹈底子紮實,舞台總監Didi特别為她們編排具挑戰性而變化多端的羣舞,甚有噱頭。大會又一次邀請本地年輕時裝設計師為每位佳麗度身訂造特別服飾,意念創新用料獨特,上演一場華麗的時裝騷。 甚受觀眾喜愛的才藝表演再度登場,今年的佳麗堪稱才華洋溢,身懷不同藝術造詣,肯定令觀眾嘆為觀止。最後的亮點將落在10位靚女的口才及智慧,在溫哥華會議中心隆重舉行的溫哥華華裔小姐競選2013究竟會如何考驗她們的即場表演,12月12日(星期四)7 時55分, 總決賽自有分曉,西岸新時代電視、大會網站及手機應用程式,現場直播盛況。




「溫哥華華裔小姐競選2013」已經進入倒數階段,10位候選佳麗接受了「大城小聚」主持吳小盼和「都市有約」邵蔚華的訪問,分享參選經歷和與其他佳麗相處的難忘故事。「溫哥華華裔小姐競選2013」總決賽將於12月12日(星期四) 7時55分,在溫哥華會議中心隆重舉行。想知道更多關於她們訓練期間的趣事,請密切留意 11月28日、12月5日西岸時間晚上10時15分播出的「都市有約」及12月10日黃昏6時15分播出的「大城小聚」!

總決賽當晚,新時代電視、本網站及手機應用程式 (MCVP2013) 將現場直播盛況,讓全球觀眾一同見證新一屆華裔小姐誕生。






Visiting the SUCCESS Nursing Home


The ten contestants of Miss Chinese Vancouver 2013 have been working hard not only in their training, but also busy attending charity activities and giving back to the community. The ten girls had recently paid a visit to the SUCCESS nursing home and brought cheerful performances for the elderly residents. First up #10, Brenda Cheng sang a song while playing her own accompaniment on the piano. Next #9 Elma Wang performed a unique and passionate Bollywood dance. #6 Abigail Liu played the piano while #1 Jamie Gao recited a graceful and poetic monolog. #2 Tracy So showed off her artistic carving skills as she transformed an apple into a stunning swan. #8 Jennifer Lee wowed the audience with a mesmerizing dance, and lastly, #3, Jessica Dai, #4, Hebe Yue, #5, Cindy Zhong, and #7, Michelle Shek brought smiles to all the elderly residents’ faces as they sang classic Chinese songs. The contestants also gave the elderly residents warm gloves for the winter and presented the nursing home with a charm made of beautiful paper cranes, all created by the girls themselves to express their love and care for the elderly while wishing them long and healthy lives.


跨越美麗國度 同心協力推廣防癌訊息


繼早前探訪加拿大防癌協會的「友愛之家」,10位佳麗繼續愛心之旅,出席「溫哥華華裔小姐競選慈善晚宴2013」記者招待會, 呼籲大家同心合力對抗癌病,支持慈善晚宴幫助患者。10位「華姐」逐一分享了有益身心健康小貼士「My One Thing」,無論在飲食、運動量、或生活習慣來個小改變,包括少食微波爐食品、多吃新鮮蔬果、恆常運動等,即可減低患上癌症的風險,保持健康身心。由於這次記者會亦是佳麗首度公開亮相, 引來不少市民圍觀,城中的攝影發燒友更擠滿現場,爭取最佳位置捕捉佳麗的一顰一笑,鎂光閃過不停,熱鬧非常。

新時代電視一直鼎力支持加拿大防癌協會,除了把「溫哥華華裔小姐競選」捐贈予加拿大防癌協會, 作為慈善晚宴的壓軸節目,更從2009年開始, 溫哥華華裔小姐冠軍都成為「勇闖明天」大使, 全力支持加拿大防癌協會的各項籌款和防癌活動, 並鼓勵年青一代要積極參與義工行列, 回饋社會。

「溫哥華華裔小姐競選2013總決賽」將於12月12日(星期四)假溫哥華會議中心隆重舉行,希望大家能踴躍支持購買慈善晚宴的餐券,欣賞「溫哥華華裔小姐競選」的同時, 亦共襄善舉。


Canadian Cancer Society's Press Conference


The ten contestants of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 attended the Canadian Cancer Society's press conference for the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Charity Gala 2013 to support and raise awareness for cancer eradication efforts. Each of the contestants shared their ‘My One Thing’ and gave tips for healthy living including eating less microwave foods, more vegetables and doing more exercise to reduce chances of cancer. As this was the ten contestants’ first public appearance, the event was a great attraction to those with an interest in photography to capture the contestants’ smiling and charming appearances on camera. Fairchild Television has always showed great support towards the Canadian Cancer Society. Since 2009, the winner of Miss Chinese Vancouver has annually been appointed as the Canadian Cancer Society’s Ambassador of Hope to help promote cancer prevention. Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 Final will take place on Thursday, December 12th at the Vancouver Convention Center. Please show your support by purchasing tickets to the show and enjoy a night of wondrous entertainment while also supporting those in need. 






CCS Lodge Visit


This year marks the 7th consecutive year that Fairchild Television has lovingly and generously donated the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Final as the highlight entertainment for the annual Canadian Cancer Society charity gala. Every year, Fairchild Television makes arrangements for the ten pageant contestants to attend and participate in charity and volunteering events around the community in order to give back to society. Earlier this month the 10 Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant contestants made a special visit to the Canadian Cancer Society’s Jean C. Barber Lodge to learn more about the housing and other facilities that the Canadian Cancer Society provides for cancer patients and their families who live in more remote places. The ten contestants had the privilege of taking a tour around all the different rooms and facilities at the lodge, including its lounge, activity room, library, dining room, and much more. The contestants also contributed to the lodge by donating books to the library and sharing fruits with the lodge’s residents. The contestants, along with the residents spent a cheerful afternoon together filled with fun conversations, and lovely music. The girls even spent time writing out notes of blessings to the residents and wished them all a quick and smooth recovery. 




日前正當十位佳麗在錄影廠埋首為記者會綵排,華姐大師姐岑麗香突然驚喜現身,佳麗喜出望外。Eliza 趁短短5日工作空趟,回到温哥華探望家人之餘,更專誠到訪新時代電視,與今年 的華姐小師妹見面,親身為她們打氣及勉勵一番,分享當年的選美心得。Eliza表示很高興回到電視台這個大家庭,見到準華姐即想起自己當年競選的情境,頓覺時光飛逝,又笑說自已老了好幾年,其實Eliza鵝眉淡掃已驚艷全場,証明人紅就自然靚。岑麗香在香港人氣急升,密密拍劇接廣吿出騷,名利雙收,但純樸的她仍心繫温哥華華裔小姐,不忘今天的「香香公主」成就於這個選美平台。而岑麗香一路走來的美麗足印,令佳麗對未來充滿憧景,夢想原來近在眼前。


Past Miss Chinese Vancouver Eliza Sam Made a Surprise Visit


Just as the ten Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 finalists were focusing on their rehearsal for the upcoming press conference, past Miss Chinese Vancouver Eliza Sam made a surprise visit to the FTV studio. During Eliza’s short five day break from her busy schedule, she returned to Vancouver to meet with family and friends and especially came to show her support for the contestants and Fairchild crew while sharing some beauty tips. Eliza was very delighted to return to Fairchild Television studio to meet the current contestants and reminisce her days as Miss Chinese Vancouver while also making jokes about how she has aged. However, even with light makeup and simple casual attire, Eliza still shone with beauty above all the rest. Currently Eliza is widely popular in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, making appearances in many television dramas and advertisements. Eliza’s success as a television artiste in Hong Kong and her special visit to Fairchild Television this time have greatly motivated the contestants not to shy away from realizing their dreams.


艷光掠影 (五)




MCVP Behind the Scenes (5)


Entering into the month of November, the ten Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 finalists will officially meet with the public and media at the press conference held on November 7th. Immediately after, they will appear in a series of promotional events. Be it television segments, promos, or online media, the contestants will be working hard to present to everyone their most lively and graceful selves. In addition to preparing for the press conference, the contestants have also been attending a series of fittings for stage outfits including sensuous swimwear and beautiful evening gowns accompanied by glamorous golden footwear. Fairchild Television has also invited local designers to custom-make a special costume for each contestant to bring out each girl’s unique personality. Besides, the finalists have also paid a lot of effort during the training sessions with Stage Director, Didi, and modeling instructor, Adam. Please stay tune to the MCVP segment in What's On every Sunday night at 7:40pm, or visit our official website, Facebook, or Weibo for the most recent updates on Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013.


艷光掠影 (四)


十位候選佳麗接受嚴格特訓的同時,亦參與宣傳拍攝。拍照其間她們不斷轉換造型,散發亮麗的時尚魅力,在鎂光下自由發揮大騷丰姿。今年大會製作兩段風格迴異的宣傳短片,有以chromo key拍攝加上全電腦後期製作的都市魅力短片,佳麗依照導演要求,運用想像力配合拍攝時不存在的數碼佈景,甚有挑戰性。另一段宣傳短片以<冷艷、光>為主題,証明美女同樣chok得起,眾人敏銳的鏡頭觸角令製作人員激讚。雖然一連三天的拍攝從早到晚不停,佳麗的情緒高漲,興奮心情蓋過一切疲累,因為當宣傳品稍後推出時,又把她們的夢想拉近一步。適逢華姐監護人Kelly的生日,大家忙裹偷閑,為Kelly送上生日蛋糕及窩心祝福,讓拍攝工作加添歡樂印記。想貼身追踪華姐參選佳麗動態的最新消息,請密切留意逢星期日晚上七時四十分「熒幕八爪娛」節目內的「純美搜影」或Facebook專頁微博


Behind the Scenes (4)


Apart from the intensive training for the Final, the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 contestants have also participated in a series of promotional photo and video shoots. Fairchild has arranged a complete makeover for the 10 girls in the promotional photo and video shoots as they presented themselves as cool urban beauties with irresistible charisma and charm. The Pageant will feature two promotional videos. One of them was filmed with Chroma key technology, with computer graphics of a mesmerizing cityscape keyed into the background during the editing process. As per request of the producer, the finalists put their acting skills to the test when they had to imagine themselves interacting with the city background. The other promo video was filmed with the theme of cool attitudes and lighting in mind. Although the process took three long days of hard work, the contestants still carried themselves with professional and positive attitudes, keeping in mind that the videos will soon lead them one step closer to their dreams. Through a happy coincidence, one of the promo shooting days happened to fall on the birthday of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant Chief Chaperone, Kelly. Contestants and pageant crew celebrated Kelly’s birthday with a birthday cake and congratulatory messages. The delightful atmosphere and celebrations left everyone with an unforgettable memory. Please stay tuned to the MCVP segment in What's On every Sunday night at 7:40pm, or visit our of Facebook or Weibo for the most recent updates on Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013.


艷光掠影 (三)




Behind the Scenes (3)


The Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 contestants have been hard at work as they continue their training for the upcoming show. Under the guidance of the Stage Director Didi, the contestants have been vigorously practicing their stage movements and dances. This year, Didi especially choreographed a unique performance full of challenges and excitement for the finalists, who have a strong background in dance. In addition to stage training, the pageants have also been polishing their poise and gracefulness with Modeling Instructor Adam. Not only has Adam taught the girls how to present themselves in the most elegant manner on stage, but he has also helped them increase their self-confidence, preparing them even further for the Final. Please stay tuned to the MCVP segment in What's On every Sunday night at 7:40pm, or visit our of Facebook or Weibo for the most recent updates on Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013.






Behind the Scenes (2)


Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 is now well underway. Fairchild Television’s professionals are working hard in teaching the 10 finalists how to create new captivating and unique images for themselves. In the process of this transformation, the finalists have received teeth whiting treatments provided by our dental sponsor, hairstyling from professional hair-stylists, skincare and makeup seminar and nail care and nail art treatments. Please stay tuned to the MCVP segment in What's On every Sunday night at 7:40pm, or visit our of Facebook or Weibo for the most recent updates on Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013.


艷光掠影 (一)




Behind the Scenes (1)


The 10 finalists of Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 are well on their way preparing for the Final taking place on Dec 12, 2013. Under the witness of the lawyer, the 10 contestants signed their contracts with Fairchild Television which officially kicked start a series of training sessions and activities for the Pageant. Working closely with grooming professionals and clothing sponsors, our Imaging Director Betty and Chief Chaperon Kelly are gradually transforming the girls to their perfection. They have learned styling tips to present themselves in the most graceful and elegant manner both onstage and offstage. Producers have also met with the contestants and explained to them the process and expectations for the filming of the promotional videos with the intention of showing the best of them on TV. Please stay tuned to the MCVP segment in “What's On” every Sunday night at 7:40pm, or visit our Facebook, or Weibo for the most recent updates on Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013.




「溫哥華華裔小姐競選2013」面試剛舉行,藉著去屆華姐鄧佩儀勇奪今年「國際中華小姐」的勢頭,報名情況非常踴躍,而網上直接報名,吸引遠至省府維多利亞及多倫多的佳麗參與。面試當日,各參選佳麗悉心打扮,以最亮麗形象示人,為了爭取在短短數分鐘內突圍而出,她們都施展渾身解數,盡騷才藝:有民族舞、拉丁舞、Hip Hop、肚皮舞、繪畫、電子琴、長笛、小提琴演奏等。為迎合新時代電視邁向光輝20年的歷史時刻,大會要求每位佳麗都要準備一件物件來講述自己最感到光榮或自豪的回憶,充滿笑與淚。評判團經過審慎商議後,最終脫穎而出的入選佳麗,將接受一連串專業訓練,迎接12月12日總決賽的挑戰。入圍佳麗名單﹐將於11月正式公佈,大家一定要拭目以待。




As the Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant 2013 audition concluded last weekend, the transformation process of the contestants has just begun. In light of the great success of last year’s Miss Chinese Vancouver, Gloria Tang, who captured the Miss Chinese International title in Hong Kong, this year’s Miss Chinese Vancouver Pageant audition had an explosive number of applicants. With the option of online technology allowing for an easy application process, the Pageant has received applications from outside of Greater Vancouver like Victoria and as far as Toronto. On the day of the audition, each of the applicants presented themselves in a charming and graceful manner. With only a few precious minutes to impress the judges, each girl put their best efforts in showcasing their unique personalities and outstanding talents, including Chinese traditional dance, Latin dance, painting, piano, flute, violin, and much more. Each applicant was required to bring one item that held their most precious and proud memory for show and tell. After much consideration, the judges have decided on the finalists for this year’s Pageant. These girls are ready to go through a series of intense training in preparation for the final show to be held on December 12th. The names and information of the selected finalists will be officially announced in November.